Thursday, October 30, 2014

Outer Space

One of my fellow science classmates recently posted about the Science and Nature section on Pinterest. I LOVE Pinterest and am so thankful for all of the ideas I can find on there to use in my classroom one day.

I looked at the Science and Nature page and one of the subgroups that popped up was outer space. The pictures are all so beautiful and make me want to have a big unit on space!

"Physicists say we are made of stardust. Intergalactic debris and far-flung atoms, shards of carbon nanomatter rounded up by gravity to circle the sun. As atoms pass through an eternal revolving door of possible form, energy and mass dance in fluid relationship. We are man, we are thought, we are story. We are all star stuff."
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

Jupiter and its moon Io. The red dot is a volcano on the moon's surface and the blue cloud is the volcano's emissionsNASA recently published what it calls the most amazing highest resolution image of Earth ever, dubbed Blue Marble.

1 comment:

  1. I love Pinterest but I have never just searched the word "Science" Thanks I am going to search it now and I am excited about what I am going to see.
